House Training

Australian National Kennel Council Registered Breeder

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House-training is probably the first important lesson to teach your puppy.  Cleanliness is easy to instil into the young mind as the Dobermann has an instinctive desire to please its owner.  Do not expect miracles!  Confidence and persistence will accomplish wonders.

Puppies invariably relieve themselves upon awakening, so whisk the puppy outside as it wakes up and wait until the puppy toilets.  After lively play or a meal, repeat the trip outside and, if taken to the same spot, the puppy soon realises what is required.  If they have an accident inside, do not scald the puppy.  Give plenty of praise when you your puppy performs.  A very young puppy does not want to soil its bed and will try to stay clean, so always keep fresh newspaper handy beside the puppy's bed.

Do not give a bouncy puppy the run of the house.  Confine the puppy to the kitchen, laundry, etc until house manners are established.  Plenty of praise will establish these manners quickly. NEVER rub a puppy's nose in any mistakes, this will set house-training back for months!!  If the puppy does make a mistake, and you catch it in the act, a short sharp "NO" in a growling disapproving voice and whisking it outside to the designated spot will help tremendously.  NEVER punish a puppy or adult dog for anything, unless you catch them in the act and NEVER punish a dog in anger!

We do not believe in physically punishing any of our dogs.  We find a stern, disapproving voice works well and is extremely effective.  We strongly encourage our puppy buyers to this method of discipline.


Breeding for Quality not Quantity - Love not Money.

Website designed and maintained by Denise Ball of Aegis Dobermanns.  All information contained in this website is copyright and remains the property of the website owner.  No one is authorised to copy any picture, page or information contained in this website unless they have obtained written consent from the website owner.  Please contact Website Owner for more information.    © 1999 - 2022 All rights reserved