Australian National Kennel Council Registered Breeder Success is a journey, not a destination. This site is optimised for Internet Explorer. Best Viewed at 1280 x 1024 resolution using Microsoft's Internet Explorer. |
IS THE DOBERMANN THE BREED THAT IS SUITABLE FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY? The Dobermann is not for everyone. They are highly intelligent, fearless, very active, loyal and, at times, can be very demanding. Properly bred and lovingly raised and cared for, the Dobermann, once sufficiently trained, will become your best friend. However, if any of these factors are missing, a Dobermann can be badly behaved and hard to control. You get out of your Dobermann what you put in!! A Dobermann should never be bought on impulse because they are fashionable or your mate has one so you want one, or because you think they are a tough dog that will enhance your "macho" image. If you are planning to buy a Dobermann you should first thoroughly investigate the personality, attributes & flaws (yes they do have them) and demands of the breed. Then take a long hard look at yourself, your personal situation, and YOUR TRUE reasons for introducing a Dobermann into your life. The Dobermann needs exercise. A daily walk is good for both you and your Dobe. Always ensure that they are supervised and not running free. Your dog should always be on a lead when out of your safe secure escape-proof yard A Dobermann will want to be a part of your family. They are not the type of dog that you can shut outside in a yard forever or even worse, chain up. (we won't sell to people who are not going to allow the dog to live inside (they can't protect you chained up in the backyard can they?) The Dobermann can sometimes be very dominant in its attitude towards other animals, especially males towards other males. They can also be very discerning towards people. They are excellent judges of character so if your Dobe does not like your best friend, be cautious with that person. Dobermanns need basic obedience training from an early age - we recommend undertaking a basic obedience course with a reputable Obedience Club for 8 or so weeks. A Dobermann thrives on the company of its family and likes nothing better than to be curled up on the couch watching that all important Rugby or Cricket match with its family. Before making your initial enquiries PLEASE ask yourself these questions… Are you prepared to:
If your answer to all of these questions is yes, then what to do next? Please go to Where to Buy a Dobe from? and these questions will be answered.